BBC teen drama competing against Netflix shows


With the domination of Netflix over a majority of television, other services such as the BBC are finding it difficult to stay visible within the same market. In particular, “young people” dramas are continually being made for Netflix – a few examples include Stranger Things and Riverdale – both hugely popular American dramas, intended mainly for the teenage audience.

Last year, the BBC commissioned a number of shows to try and tackle this issue. One of these is called The A List – a 13-part drama drawing on supernatural elements whilst also exploring the classic teenage topics of friendship, romantic relationships and finding their own identity. Mental health and sexuality are also discussed. It is a British programme, focusing on diversity in a modern-day Britain.

The show is set in the Scottish Highlands, following the lives of 12 people who go to a holiday camp for the summer. The series promises to have a number of dark twists, focusing not just on teen drama but horror and rom-com elements as well.

The A List can now be streamed on BBC iPlayer.

Click on the link below to watch the trailer and one of the cast talking more about the show: 


About Author

A lazy and dramatic fourth year English student who also edits News in position of News Editor. Lover of tea, Netflix and reading all the books.

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