– Article length:

  • Album reviews: 400-800 words
  • Single reviews: 150-200 words

– Ratings: These should be written in bold at the end of the review (NB: Any score between 0 and 10 can be given.)

  • 0/10– Awful. Do not listen to at any costs. Even die hard fans will hate this
  • 2/10– Poor. Few, if any redeeming characteristics.
  • 4/10– Fair. It’s alright but its overall slightly disappointing.
  • 6/10– Good. A nice collection but maybe not in everyone’s taste.
  • 8/10– Excellent! Satisfaction is guaranteed, a great piece of work.
  • 10/10– Classic! Essential for any music collection; a record that will go down in history as being one of the greatest of all time.

– A relevant video or piece of audio should be embedded at the end of every article in this section.

Album reviews:

– Album reviews should firstly discuss the artist briefly, and place the review in context by referring to prior releases. Do not try and review every track, but instead focus on significant singles or tracks on the record, ending in a concluding paragraph.

  • Title format: Daft Punk – Random Access Memories

– Rewind reviews are reviews of older albums (Usually at least 3 years old), which are iconic, special to you, or deserves more recognition. These do not need a rating. Follow a general album review format but also reflect on the legacy of the album and how it was received on release.

  • Title format: The Beatles – Abbey Road (1969)

– NB: Reviews should end with additional information about the album in italics. This text depends on whether the album has been released at the time of submission.

  • e.g. Random Access Memories will be released on Daft Life on 17th May 2013.
  • e.g. Abbey Road was released on Apple on 26th September 1969.

– Featured image: This should be the album artwork.

Single reviews:

– Single reviews are typically short, picking out key lyrics and mentioning important parts of the track alongside any relevant information about the artist. Discuss the video for the single if there is one, and mention any upcoming nearby gigs.

  • Title format: One Direction – ‘Best Song Ever’

– Featured image: This should be the single artwork. If not yet released, use a recent press shot.