Review: Dornik – ‘Strong’


You've found your next best song for a dance break from all that stressful revision.

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There’s an undeniable power in dancing that lifts your spirits; an energy that takes hold and allows you to flail around rhythmically that creates positivity, and helps you to forget real stress. Dornik’s latest single ‘Strong’ is about that feeling whilst perfectly inspiring it.

Over the course of the three minute track, from the opening drum beat and a sinfully synthful melody, the pace never once lets up. Dornik’s smooth voice hits all the pervasive high notes, and flows through a chorus containing choice lyrics like “Move and clap your hands/Forget about all the bad/Did you know you were free, stop the running now/But instead do the running man”. However, excepting the repetition of “Everybody stay strong”, his lyrics can easily get lost in the production, as he’s singing so softly as to get out of the way of the utterly vital melody. It’s an incredibly potent mix of smooth jazz at double speed, dance music, and a perfect pop drumbeat.

‘Strong’ is out now via PMR.


About Author

Fourth year Spanish & History student. You know what I like,because I've written about it. #MagicMikeXXLForever

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