Rewind: Toto – ‘Africa’


Get your Walkmans ready, as this is one track that a hundred men or more couldn’t stop you from playing on repeat. Beautifully mixing marimbas and synthesizers, world and nostalgic pop, ‘Africa’ draws you in like a kid to an arcade with its gorgeously irresistible groove that’s smoother than the cream cheese you spread on your bagel in the morning, before taking a trip down to Pleasure Avenue in a truly orgasmic chorus laden with multi-part melodies and cascading rivers of lush, unblemished, pure pop goodness. Never mind that the lyrics make no sense – you’re too busy belting them out at the top of your voice to care, and doubtless will be for days to come. And this is all without even mentioning the woodwind flute solo (yes, really) in the middle of the song that deserves a review all of its own.  ‘Africa’ truly is a marvel of our time, and one of the greatest songs ever written.

‘Africa’ was released in 1982 via Sony Music 


About Author

I play/watch/listen to things, then write about playing/watching/listening to things. Special powers include downing two litres of tea at a time and binging a 13-episode Netflix series in only 12 hours. Records Editor 2018/19 OMG

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