Introducing: Folly & The Hunter


Though they hail from Montreal, indie band Folly & The Hunter bases its sound around the American folk tradition to create beautifully assembled, gentle and subtle pieces with just enough fire in them to stir your emotions.

With a masterful hand at blending vocals and knowing when – and when not – to use instrumentation, the four-piece band have an knack for painting incredibly detailed musical landscapes. Drawn from their second album, the 2013 Tragic Care, track ‘Watch For Deer At Dawn’ is a piece of art; the sort of song which makes you want to sit silently in a field on a frosty morning, steam rising from the grass, feeling nature around you as a deer delicately picks its way across the meadow. Not that that’s, you know, specific or anything.

But their sound is versatile. Upping the synth in some tracks and dabbling in the electric, they can create a sound best descried as ‘folk-pop glimmer’. Think Stars, or Stornoway, or Yo La Tengo. A little mystical, a little otherworldly; but exactly the sort of thing that let’s you connect with lyrics about humans, their stories, and the world. A quiet closer to their most recent release Awake, ‘Science’ channels the loss and heartbreak of the band themselves into a track whos bare instrumentation and humble lyrics explore emotions of commitment and the struggle with mundanity in day-to-day-life.

At once down to earth and entirely mystical, Folly & The Hunter will be sure to go places – and take you there with them.


About Author

Features Editor 2015/16. PhD student. Sorry I give everything five stars, I just have a lot of love in my heart.

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